
Note №2

Multi-layer graph PrivateAI (Word graph)

Word graph

Word graph is a local graph, which has a selected word in center and top-N words around, most commonly used in articles with selected word. Each node is provided with at least one link leading to appropriate article tab with article-wide graph and ability to request access to this article.

To compute word graph, we search for most connected words for a given word. Here is the code implementation:

Edges conflicts

In cases, when links in edges conflict with each other, like “[Alcohol] enhances [organism]” and “[Alcohol] is harmful for [organism]”, according to 2 different articles, we can mark it with different colors in order to make graph more representative and involve users into research process.

Here are 2 good approaches:

VADER (NLP method)

Pros: instant speed

Cons: not accurate

HuggingFace Transformers

Pros: accurate

Cons: not fast (5+ seconds), uses 200MB Transformers model

Other diaries

Note №1

Multi-layer graph PrivateAI (Global graph)

May 27, 2024

The main goal was to simplify user navigation through the graph and ensure its correct representation. For this purpose, the graph...